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Coelho gets 4WD underway at EOS with TQ run

Actualité du 11/11/2021

Coelho gets 4WD underway at EOS with TQ run

Having dominated yesterday’s 2WD qualifying, taking all four rounds, Bruno Coelho has got 4WD underway at the EOS Season Finale in Austria with a TQ run.  Setting the pace in practice, the championship leader topped the times from Round 5 winner Joern Neumann by 1.2-seconds with 2WD podium finish Hupo Honigl completing the Top 3.  With the  astro turf track getting drier and drier each run after over night rain all drivers reported Q1 conditions as tricky.  The only driver who can challenge Coelho for the 4WD title, reigning champion Michal Orlowski set the fourth fastest time with Joona Haatanen opening qualifying with a P5.

Summing up his TQ run, Coelho said, ‘I had a mistake and got stuck on the pipe but luckily everyone had mistakes’.  The driver who holds a 2-point lead in the championship standings continued, ‘the car is working good but the conditions are changing every hour. It’s getting drier and drier so you don’t know what to expect for the next one’.

‘Tricky, tricky conditions. The car was very edgy’, was Neumann reaction to Q1.  The Schumacher driver continued, ‘overall second was a better start to 2WD when I crashed too many times’.  With drivers running the silver compound of the EOS’ Schumacher handout tyres, the German said, ‘If we change to yellow I will leave the car the same but if we continue on silver I need to change the set-up’.

Describing his P3 effort as ‘very good’, Honigl said it was hard work out on track. ‘I ran my complete dirt set-up on the car but the track dried up so it was super difficult and I drove super careful’.  Looking to Q2 the Austrian Xray driver said, ‘I need to change my set-up for the next one’.

2WD Champion Orlowski said, ‘the track changed quite a lot. There was a lot of grip in some place and not a lot in others.  The pace was good but I made a mistake’.  Matching title rival Coelho on wins this season, with 2-each, the Schumacher driver continued, ‘we will change quite a lot on the car now.  The rain is coming so it’s a tough one to hit the right right set-up’.

‘Not too bad but I had a few mistakes’, was Haatanen’s summary of his first of four qualifying attempts.  The Team Associated driver continued, ‘we changed the car for Q1 and it was much better and it has put us on the right way with set-up, but the grip got higher so the track was difficult but still we got a Top 5 out of it’.  For Q2, the Finnish teenager plans to raise the diffs higher for less roll and may also try a different spring.

View the complete event results here.

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